Sunday, February 9, 2025

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Boxing Footwork: Essential DO’s, DON’Ts and drills

The thing that you'll find with the average fighter across the board is that they will more often than not have less-than-acceptable footwork. Although...

Muay Thai

The A, B, C’s and K’s of Kickboxing: A Beginner’s Guide to Kickboxing

Although kickboxing is hardly new at any rate, it still is growing in popularity amongst not only people that have the spotlight on them...

How to Kickbox A Taller Opponent: The Strategy and Tips to Takedown

For fighters in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, it is made within the system. The reason behind the creation of this branch was to give a chance...

Making Moves With Muay Thai: Muay Thai Techniques for Beginners

Beginning any type of sport for the first time is not only challenging but a scary experience. Especially if you are getting into the...

Taking on the Art of Eight Limbs: The Best Muay Thai Workout

One of the most effective and popularly practiced martial art in the world, Muay Thai is a practice that easily sets itself apart from...

10 Tips to Improve Explosiveness

As a fighter, the element of surprise, the drive from the way you move, and your technique is what really will set you apart...

Sports to Combine, Complement, and Carve Your Martial Arts Skills

If you are well into your martial arts training or if you are just getting started and are not quite ready to part with...


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Kicking It: On Your Own or at a Gym, This Is a Great Cardio Kickboxing Workout

You've all seen it before. Perhaps you have even been to one before. But one thing is certain: as soon as your cardio kickboxing...

What is MMA? Your Ultimate Guide to Mixed Martial Arts

Looking to pick up a new hobby or looking for a whole new way to train? If what you want has to be take-no-prisoners...